Archive for the 'Joint Pain' Category
Non-surgical, conservative care to address shoulder pain, especially when caused by shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS), is one of the most common reasons patients visit a chiropractic office. Doctors of chiropractic often manage the condition with a combination of manual therapies and exercises targeted on the shoulder joint.
The scientific literature is rich with studies showing [..]
A Baker’s cyst is a swelling located in the back of the knee that can be either asymptomatic or bothersome, especially when bending the knee. Researchers estimate that up to 94% of popliteal (back of the knee) cysts are associated with an intra-articular disorder, most commonly meniscus (“cartilage”) tears, as well as osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis [..]
Chronic hamstring strains are more difficult to diagnose because the pain (in the hip region and deep in the buttocks and upper thigh) comes on gradually and is aggravated by repetitive activities like running, rowing, or biking and worsens with prolonged sitting. Hamstring injuries become chronic when a damaged or torn tendon fails to properly [..]
Shoulder instability (SI) occurs when the soft tissues (joint capsule, ligaments, and labrum) that hold the humerus in the shallow ball-and-socket glenohumeral joint become stretched, torn, or detached. When these tissues are damaged, the resulting shoulder instability is characterized as structural. If instability is caused by abnormal muscle activity that places too much or too [..]
When it comes to a condition like chronic knee pain, there are many treatment options available to reduce pain and improve function, including chiropractic care. However, there are cases when a patient may opt for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In some instances, they may be able to resume their everyday activities, but a segment of [..]
Hip pain is a common complaint that can arise from many different sources including the spine, pelvis, and the knee. Greater trochanteric bursitis or gluteal tendonitis (GT) is a condition that occurs five-times more often in women than men, affecting one-in-four women over 50 years of age.
Patients with GT experience pain in the region [..]
With many sports requiring overhead movements that can place the shoulder at the extreme end of its range of motion, it’s not surprising that shoulder injuries are so common among athletes. For instance, up to 50% of NCAA college football players have some history of shoulder injury, which comprises about 10-20% of total injuries in [..]
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of knee pain and disability in the elderly population. While treatment to address knee OA will often focus on the knee itself, a patient may also need to change their footwear. Why is that?
During normal walking, joint loading is NOT evenly distributed, and the distribution most often greatest [..]
Groin pain syndrome is a term used to describe groin pain without clinical evidence of hernia or hip pathology. Though the condition is thought to affect between 2% and 20% of athletes, there is not a lot of conclusive research on its cause or the best way to treat it. Most of the published research [..]
Shoulder pain is a VERY common problem, especially among individuals over 40 years old. Experts estimate that between 16-30% of the population has experienced shoulder pain in the last month, with subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) being one of most likely diagnoses made by clinicians.
Why is SIS so common? The short answer is because the [..]